Fedojiujitsu Developed Arbitration Course
Fedojiujitsu Developed Arbitration Course
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.- Con gran éxito fue realizado un Curso de Arbitraje de Fighting System Jiujitsu y
estudio de los reglamentos de la Federación Internacional de Jiujitsu (JJIF) aplicado para las competencias deportivas de las diferentes modalidades de este arte marcial y que
El presidente de la Fedojiujitsu, Fausto Peña, al momento de dar apertura al Curso de Arbitraje. |
La actividad fue organizada por la Federación Dominicana de Jiu Jitsu (Fedojiujitsu) la que esta presidida por el profesor Fausto Peña Cervera por intermedio de la Comisión Nacional de Arbitraje con el propósito de elevar el nivel técnico de las diferentes modalidades.
El evento fue realizado en Club Coanca del sector El Cacique de esta ciudad donde el profesor Daniel Leandri impartió por varias horas las diferentes técnicas para las modalidades de arbitraje con un amplio intercambio de impresiones con los participantes.
Daniel Leandri, arbitro internacional de Jiujitsu, imparte sus amplios y calificados conocimientos del arbitraje |
Al concluir la clínica fueron entregados los certificados de participación para finalizar con un reconocimiento al profesor Leandri por su colaboración y apoyo decidido a la instrucción de los árbitros dominicanos en las diferentes modalidades.
Ademas del presidente de la Fedojiujitsu estuvo presente su secretario general el profesor Danilo Tineo, asi mismo, Fausto Rodriguez, Flavio Grullón, Renarkys Duran quienes son directores de arbitraje, duo system y técnico, respectivamente.
Presentes también Israel
Beltre, Vicepresidente de la Fedojiujitsu; Hunson Herogui Encarnación, Vicepresidente de la Asociación de Jiujitsu Provincia Santo
Domingo; Ana victoria Hernández, secretaria de la Asociación de Jiujitsu Provincia Santo
Daniel Leandri explica las diferentes acciones de los atletas en las competiciones de Jiujitsu |
Domingo; Samuel Feliz, arbitro; José Walter, secretario Asociacion
Provincia San Cristóbal; Yuneska Leo, atleta; Erick Smith Encarnación, atleta; Miguel Sosa, atleta; Roberto
Carlos Ventura, soporte técnico y el ingeniero Jaime Casanova, asesor general de la Fedojiujitsu, entre otros asistentes.
"Es un verdadero placer contribuir al desarrollo del arbitraje con la Federación Dominicana de Jiu Jitsu para garantizar la realización en República Dominicana de eventos internacionales de calidad bajo las directrices de los organismos internacionales que dirigen nuestra disciplina", dijo el profesor Leandri al clausurar el certamen de capacitación de los árbitros y jueces dominicanos.
Dirigentes y participantes del Curso de Arbitraje posan con los directivos de la Fedojiujitsu y el calificado arbitro internacional Daniel Leandri |
"Esta intervención del arbitro Daniel Leandri da categoría al arbitraje dominicano y nos prepara para intervenir en eventos nacionales, regionales, continentales y mundiales bajo los lineamientos de la Unión Panamericana de Jiujitsu y de la Jiu Jitsu International Federation", así se expreso el profesor Fausto Peña al comentar con sumo placer la actividad.
"Durante el presente año tenemos programado otras actividades de capacitación tanto de arbitraje como en la parte de entrenamiento y manejo de eventos de elite siempre con el objetivo de elevar cada vez mas la calificación técnica del personal de las diferentes áreas y modalidades que componen la Fedojuijitsu", concluyo el profesor Peña Cervera al finalizar el certamen de instruccion y capacitacion
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.
26 abril 2018.-
Fedojiujitsu developed arbitration course
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.- A Jiujitsu Fighting System Arbitration Course and a study of the regulations of the International Jiujitsu Federation (JJIF) applied to sports competitions in the different modalities of this martial art were carried out with great success.
It was taught by Professor Daniel Leandri, international referee, from the sister Oriental Republic of Uruguay who is secretary general of the Uruguayan Jiujitsu Federation, a member of the Pan-American Jiujitsu Union (UPJJ) that presides over the Argentine Miguel Percoco and the Jiujitsu. Jitsu International Federation (JJIF) which is directed by the Greek Theodoropoulos Panagiotis.
The activity was organized by the Dominican Jiu Jitsu Federation (Fedojiujitsu) which is chaired by Professor Fausto Peña Cervera through the National Arbitration Commission with the purpose of raising the technical level of the different modalities.
The event was held at Club Coanca in the El Cacique sector of this city where Professor Daniel Leandri taught the different techniques for arbitration modalities for several hours with a wide exchange of impressions with the participants.
At the conclusion of the clinic certificates of participation were handed over to finish with an acknowledgment to Professor Leandri for his collaboration and determined support to the instruction of the dominican referees in the different modalities.
In addition to the president of the Fedojiujitsu was his secretary general Professor Danilo Tineo, likewise, Fausto Rodriguez, Flavio Grullón, Renarkys Duran who are directors of arbitration, duo system and technical, respectively.
Present also Israel Beltre, Vice President of the Fedojiujitsu; Hunson Herogui Encarnación, Vice President of the Association of Jiujitsu Province Santo Domingo; Ana Victoria Hernández, secretary of the Association of Jiujitsu Province Santo Domingo; Samuel Feliz, referee; José Walter, Secretary of the San Cristóbal Province Association; Yuneska Leo, athlete; Erick Smith Encarnación, athlete; Miguel Sosa, athlete; Roberto Carlos Ventura, technical support and engineer Jaime Casanova, general advisor of the Fedojiujitsu, among other attendees.
"It is a real pleasure to contribute to the development of arbitration with the Dominican Jiu Jitsu Federation to guarantee the realization in the Dominican Republic of international quality events under the guidelines of the international organizations that direct our discipline", said Professor Leandri when closing the event of training for dominican referees and judges.
"This intervention by referee Daniel Leandri gives dominance to dominican arbitration and prepares us to intervene in national, regional, continental and world events under the guidelines of the Panamerican Jiujitsu Union and the Jiu-Jitsu International Federation," said Prof. Faust. Peña commenting with great pleasure on the activity.
"During the current year we have scheduled other training activities both in arbitration and in the training and management of elite events, always with the aim of increasing the technical qualification of the personnel of the different areas and modalities that make up the Fedojuijitsu. ", concludes Professor Peña Cervera at the end of the training and training contest.
Santo Domingo Dominican Republic.
April 26, 2018.-
Fedojiujitsu developed arbitration course
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.- A Jiujitsu Fighting System Arbitration Course and a study of the regulations of the International Jiujitsu Federation (JJIF) applied to sports competitions in the different modalities of this martial art were carried out with great success.
It was taught by Professor Daniel Leandri, international referee, from the sister Oriental Republic of Uruguay who is secretary general of the Uruguayan Jiujitsu Federation, a member of the Pan-American Jiujitsu Union (UPJJ) that presides over the Argentine Miguel Percoco and the Jiujitsu. Jitsu International Federation (JJIF) which is directed by the Greek Theodoropoulos Panagiotis.
The activity was organized by the Dominican Jiu Jitsu Federation (Fedojiujitsu) which is chaired by Professor Fausto Peña Cervera through the National Arbitration Commission with the purpose of raising the technical level of the different modalities.
The event was held at Club Coanca in the El Cacique sector of this city where Professor Daniel Leandri taught the different techniques for arbitration modalities for several hours with a wide exchange of impressions with the participants.
At the conclusion of the clinic certificates of participation were handed over to finish with an acknowledgment to Professor Leandri for his collaboration and determined support to the instruction of the dominican referees in the different modalities.
In addition to the president of the Fedojiujitsu was his secretary general Professor Danilo Tineo, likewise, Fausto Rodriguez, Flavio Grullón, Renarkys Duran who are directors of arbitration, duo system and technical, respectively.
Present also Israel Beltre, Vice President of the Fedojiujitsu; Hunson Herogui Encarnación, Vice President of the Association of Jiujitsu Province Santo Domingo; Ana Victoria Hernández, secretary of the Association of Jiujitsu Province Santo Domingo; Samuel Feliz, referee; José Walter, Secretary of the San Cristóbal Province Association; Yuneska Leo, athlete; Erick Smith Encarnación, athlete; Miguel Sosa, athlete; Roberto Carlos Ventura, technical support and engineer Jaime Casanova, general advisor of the Fedojiujitsu, among other attendees.
"It is a real pleasure to contribute to the development of arbitration with the Dominican Jiu Jitsu Federation to guarantee the realization in the Dominican Republic of international quality events under the guidelines of the international organizations that direct our discipline", said Professor Leandri when closing the event of training for dominican referees and judges.
"This intervention by referee Daniel Leandri gives dominance to dominican arbitration and prepares us to intervene in national, regional, continental and world events under the guidelines of the Panamerican Jiujitsu Union and the Jiu-Jitsu International Federation," said Prof. Faust. Peña commenting with great pleasure on the activity.
"During the current year we have scheduled other training activities both in arbitration and in the training and management of elite events, always with the aim of increasing the technical qualification of the personnel of the different areas and modalities that make up the Fedojuijitsu. ", concludes Professor Peña Cervera at the end of the training and training contest.
Santo Domingo Dominican Republic.
April 26, 2018.-
Magnifica actividad..que engrandece al Jiu aJitsu dominicano....Muchas Felicidades...Mis mejores deseos de exitos a los organizadores y participantes